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“When I was pregnant with my second child, I thought a lot about hospitals. At week 39, I finally decided to go to Medicover instead of a public institution. It was one of the best decisions of my life. I didn’t worry about anything, and as it turned out, I didn’t have to. 1 day overdue, my baby boy was born under wonderful circumstances, with the support of fantastic people. I can say without exaggeration that the delivery room itself and the hospital room are beautiful and well equipped. Excellent professionals make it possible for the birth to take place in calm, undisturbed conditions and in safety. The doctors are superb and professional, as are the midwives and nurses. You can count on their help at any time during the 3 days following the birth, and they are there and ready to help. The midwives are also exceptional people: it’s as if they are caring for and nurturing their own babies. They also help mothers with everything, whether it’s breastfeeding advice, trying out specific positions, giving support, or helping when mothers need a break. Hats off to the pediatricians too! Special thanks to Dr. Ruzicska, Zsoka, Kati, Ildi and Timi! ☺️