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Maternity Care Packages

Based on feedback and experience, we have designed our packages to be tailored to your specific needs, so you can choose the one that is best for you.

Maternity Care Package Excellence Grand Excellence DeLuxe
Package price 880,000 HUF 1,050,000 HUF 1,320,000 HUF
Number of nights included in the package 2+1* 2+1* 3+1*
Weeks 37-40
CTG with evaluation by a Consultant Obstetrician (4 sessions)
CTG with evaluation by a Consultant Obstetrician, based on medical indication 10,000 HUF instead of list price: 12,500 HUF/occasion
Doppler ultrasound with specialist consultation, based on medical indication 20,000 HUF instead of list price: 25,000 HUF/occasion
Term overrun
CTG with evaluation by a Consultant Obstetrician (7 sessions) 70,000 HUF**
Doppler ultrasound with specialist consultation (3 sessions) 60,000 HUF***
Covid rapid test
Surgical scrubs
Induction of labour 50,000 HUF
Normal vaginal birth
Having a birth partner present (statutory right by law)
Personalized pain relief during childbirth
Emergency cesarean-section (full surgical fee, excluding blood products)
Blood crossmatch and blood transfusion from 60,000 HUF, based on the current HNBTS**** price list from 60,000 HUF, based on the current HNBTS**** price list
Stem cell collection (cord blood/tissue)
On prior request, on the basis of a contract between the parent and a Stem Cell Bank, with storage and collection equipment brought by the parent.
Postnatal care
Postnatal care
Neonatal care
Advanced neonatology care 1 40,000 HUF
Advanced neonatology care 2 60,000 HUF
BCG vaccination
PKU screening
BERA hearing test
Blue light phototherapy
Pulse oximetry
Anti-D prophylaxis in case of Rh incompatibility 40,000 HUF
Newborn care consultation
Breastfeeding consultation
Clothes, nappies, and baby care products during the baby’s stay
Birth registration
Health visitor care
Accommodation in a single room***** (rooming-in, en-suite bathroom, catering, internet)
Extra fee for accommodation in a family room (2+1 nights) 165,400 HUF 165,400 HUF
Accommodation in a family room, extra night 102,700 HUF 102,700 HUF
Baby photoshoot availability
Postnatal services
In case of complaint, an obstetrician-gynecological examination by week 6 31,900 HUF
Week 6 postnatal checkup by a Consultant Obstetrician 31,900 HUF 31,900 HUF
Newborn checkup between weeks 1-3 by a Consultant Neonatologist 15,000 HUF 15,000 HUF
*One extra night for births after 20:00.
**CTG checkup price with 20% discount: 10,000 HUF/session. 70,000 HUF in total for seven sessions.
***Doppler ultrasound by a Consultant Obstetrician with 20% discount: 20,000 HUF/session. 60,000 HUF in total for three sessions.
****Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service.
*****Depending on capacity.

I am interested in the maternity services

Enter your details and our colleagues will contact you by phone.

    Expected date of delivery*:

    Prices of the Medicover Maternity Care Packages

    The service fee is payable when you leave Medicover Maternity Unit.

    In case of twin pregnancy, we provide an individual quotation.

    Cost-optimization opportunity with Medicover Health Fund

    Did you know that you can save up to 2 x 150,000 HUF on the price of the maternity package of your choice if you pay for it through Medicover Health Fund?

    Költségoptimalizálási lehetőség a Medicover Egészségpénztárral Tudta, hogy akár 150 000 Ft-ot is megtakaríthat a választott szülési csomag árából, amennyiben azt a Medicover Egészségpénztáron keresztül fizeti?
    Why is Medicover Health Fund membership beneficial?
    • 20% tax credit on fund contributions
    • 5% special discount for the maternity care packages
    • 10% Medicover discount for medical examinations and treatments
    • 5% pharmacy discount at Medicover Pharmacies
    • 10% discount and free annual dental chekups at Medicover Dental Clinics
    • 10% discount and free vision screening at Medicover Optics stores
    • Family use: discounts also available for close relatives

    Click here for details!

    It is cheaper with us!
    880,000 HUF
    Grand Excellence
    1,050,000 HUF
    1,320,000 HUF
    20% tax credit (max. 150,000 HUF/year)
    730,000 HUF900,000 HUF1,170,000 HUF
    Count on us!

    We now offer Medicover Health Fund members a 5% discount if they pay for the package through the Fund. Thanks to its favorable conditions, it is still worth paying for your chosen maternity care package through Medicover Health Fund even if you are already a fund member elsewhere. For details on how to apply and how to save, click here!