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“I found out last November that I was pregnant with my first baby. Naturally, I was overjoyed. During the excited preparations, the question soon arose as to where (!) and how the pregnancy care and later the birth would take place.

After thorough research, we chose Medicover. The decision was also influenced by the fact that we already had a positive experience with the institution, and what was said during the open day was also very appealing.

During the antenatal care, the appointments were very smooth and I met kind, patient(!) and thorough specialists during each examination. The experience I gained during pregnancy care convinced me that I also want to give birth in Medicover.

We chose the all-encompassing maternity package because it was important to us that my husband could be with us the whole time (which was a real blessing, because we were able to experience all the first “things” together).

Overall, I can say that during the delivery (too) all the doctors, midwives and neonatal nurses were extremely kind and attentive. I would especially like to express my gratitude to Dr. Bokor and midwife Andrea Ficsor for their endless patience. :)”